Well it's been a full week since our store's grand opening at the Dekalb Marketplace and i have to say it's been pretty interesting.
The foot traffic has been heavy and the sales pretty brisk. People seem to really respond to the layout of the store, as well as the product. We're constantly meeting people who have been in business and have owned or still own retail spots of their own who offer helpful suggestions or give us leads on different things (Thanks Folks!!!).
The market in general is bustling with people who seem to be excited that we're here. They've expressed that they love the rawness of the grounds as well as the different restaurants, the picnic style table set-up, the radio station as well as the fresh herb garden that some of the restaurants use to add fresh herbs to their ingredients. I believe this is going to turn into the new destination hub.
We have heavy security in the form of multiple children on scooters, bikes, etc., we call them the "Market Gang" they're some tough little hombres.
I think i'm going to like it here.
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