Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Each ring is different and the bands are adjustable. $25.00 on Etsy. Go to http://www.etsy.com/chirp66 to purchase.

My Brief Interview on Channel 12 News 6/26/12 Regarding the Relocation of the Dekalb Market Where My Boutique Is Located

I was interviewed today on the Channel 12 news regarding the relocation of the Dekalb Market where my boutique is located. After editing it was only a snippet of what I actually said but here it is.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Check out my radio interview on the GO PRO Radio Networks "This Is Iyanna Jones" Show


Preview of "New Americans 3" a "You Should Look" Look Book by Chirp for BSIXTEE6

"Richmond, VA, I Love You". I'm working on a new book project entitled "New Americans 3" and decided to take advantage of trip I made recently to Richmond. I had a casting call and admittedly was afraid of the the possible responses that I would receive.

My fears would not be realized.

Thanks to Chaz, Tomas, Omare, Derek, Derrick, Jemar, Taya, Kenton, Christopher, Damien, McGill, Raymond, Orlando and Deron.

This was such an enjoyable shoot with a great bunch of people and I am most appreciative of their time and energy.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Marching To Your Own Drum

I Received this quote today from Rebecca Cherewka,co-owner of the Women's Vintage Boutique Honeysuckle and Hearts (My sister from another mother), who received it from Roachele Negron, owner of the Children's Boutique Little Poco (My other sister from another mother),who received it from her friend Tamu. 

It spoke to me in such a beautiful way that I had to share it with you guys.

 “Humans express their personalities through fashion. There are those who go along with the grain and those whose roots grow outside the field. Wherever we fall on the fashion spectrum, we are all beautiful creatures. We are all pretty birds.” Tamu McPherson

Thanks Ladies!!!